Monday, September 16, 2013

August 19th Letter

Dear Mom, Fam, and loved ones!!
This week has been intense as far as change goes. We are finally settled into our new place and it is very spacious. We pretty much looked like the Beverly Hillbillies when we were driving and as missionaries managed to rope things together in our pick-up, which was very miraculous to say the least! We are happy to give our zone leaders a break and to do things as a companionship and not as a quad-panionship. We also helped some of the Sister missionaries move their investigators this week, which was slightly hectic upon everything that we had going on.
On Thursday we ended up going on evening splits with the Elders Quorum Presidency and I drove for my first time ever in New Mexico on a dirt road to the less-active member's home and in a truck, which was an interesting experience that is for sure! My companion uttered two words as he threw the keys to me: "DON'T CRASH!" Although, it was a change to me or a new experience, I learned that sometimes we have to do the most unexpected things, but we can turn to the Lord and our Father in Heaven for great strength, protection, and guidance in these sometimes rather fearful situations.
There is a scripture I particularly like in the Bible in the Book of Luke, which is short and simple, but incredibly powerful! I challenge you to read it this week and in prayers ponder the words that it says. It is found in Luke Chapter One Verse Thirty-Seven. "Nothing is Impossible." Never Give Up!
Mom: Last night the vehicle coordinator and his wife visited; Elder and Sister Hoopes; they remind me a whole lot of Granny and Grandpa. I had a very enjoyable conversation with Elder Hoopes. He is basically a bald Grandpa Grant with a raspy President Kimball type voice. As far as my address goes it is 2300 Kent #4, Las Cruces, NM 88007. Maddie's birthday is on Thursday! Tell the family I say hello, and send my love and hugs. I pray for you and I know that the Lord will bless our family with miracles and strength!!!! Have a great week. I will write a letter when I know my exact address if you would like. I would also be happy to answer any questions for Elder Smailee.
Have a Fantastic Week!
Elder Sterling G. Richards

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