Monday, September 16, 2013

September 16th...Moving again:)

Dear Mom and loved ones,
Mom thus far I have not received your package. Perhaps it came today while we have not been home. It sounds like things back home are really exciting! I am glad that Hayley is enjoying being a kid while she can!! I am happy to hear of all of the prepared missionaries going out to work from our ward, and the joy that we can all feel in this Everlasting Gospel! A valuable lesson that I have learned this week while being out here as a representative of Jesus Christ is that: " our Heavenly Father and our Savior don't call the qualified, they qualify the called." Specifically with callings in the church we are often placed somewhere outside of our comfort zone to prepare us for even greater things.
I am happy to hear that you have all of these opportunities to work! "The greatest secret to [missionary] work is work! " Throughout this week I have had many unexpected opportunities to help others move, and to use all of my moving skills, which I have learned throughout my entire life for the benefit of others. "When you are in the service of your fellow beings, you are only in the service of your God." [Mosiah 2:17] These opportunities came in other wards.... Who knew that moving all of those people all the way up until I left for my mission would prepare me to move people and objects for members?!? I think the moving experience that most prepared me for this was when I had the blessing of moving Aunt Gaye up to Mountain Home!!
Anyway, this week was fantastic in that I really had to use all of the gifts I have been given to benefit others and apply all that I have learned. On Monday night we went on exchanges with the zone leaders. However, I took the newest zone leader Elder Harris into my area and drove and led all of the lessons and even gave him the chance to have a true Mexican dinner! Many times, we do not know what the way of the Lord that He has prepared for us and we must act before we can see the bigger picture. My faith and my testimony have definitely been strengthened through patience, love, and steadfast prayer this week.
I had a couple really wonderful experiences this week that I would like to share. The first was when I was on exchanges with Elder Harris. We went to visit the Villescas family and in this visit our investigator Lucy broke down in tears, and her daughter Tania testified that she knew that the Gospel is true! The Spirit was so powerful in the room, and this feeling of enormous peace and tranquility through the joy shown in their countenances was incredible! I testified simply and truly felt the Spirit touch their hearts. They accepted the invitation to be baptized on the 28th of this month, and they are on their way to salvation!
The second experience was on Friday night. We took a return missionary with us from the stake, and we went to visit the Segobiano family; who I have been teaching since day one in Las Cruces! Elsa and her husband Obtavio really opened up and expressed that they wanted a pillar to hold up their home and their lives. The three pillars that we used in an analogy were Obedience (reading the Book of Mormon, etc) , Praying with Real Intent, and Attending church to grow closer to the Savior and partake of the sacrament. Although, they did not come to church this week, their righteous desires are growing to a certainty, because they want to be together as a family forever, and serve the Lord with full purpose of heart!
Missionary work is truly incredible, and it is miraculous to see how people really do change through the power of the Atonement! "Nothing is impossible with the help of God." Also this week we were helping our sick and injured district out. This is still missionary work! Often times we ignore the feelings to reach out to someone and we later see them again and decide to aid them. They then see our example and feel of the Savior's love through the charity or the pure love of Christ. TPLOC
I also had a couple funny moments that the fam can relate to! Last night at dinner at the Del Hierros' house. I had a "falling down Fred/ Grandpa Grant moment, and almost lost it laughing so hard, because I almost tanked into the floor as well as broke the chair attempting to sit down at the table. I thought you would enjoy that! I also was singing in the hallway yesterday and Hermana Rivas and I got invited to sing in sacrament meeting next week. We are going to do a duet of Love at Home in Spanish! Also, I am singing at zone conference with our zone though haha. I am very excited for these opportunities, and will update you about them!!
The last thing of the week that I would like to make you aware of is that I am moving again! What is happening is the Miranda South sisters are taking over our apartment now and we are moving into a brand new place. Like I said, a lot of moving opportunities! :) I will let you know as soon as we move what the new address is. Thanks for all of the love and support and the prayers I truly do recognize them and feel of them each and everyday! I will keep my eyes pealed for the package, and will try to keep my Spanish letters to a minimum. The Lord has blessed me in so many marvelous ways! As a note the FaceBook page for our mission is NMAM Lds. Look for it: our assistants and the office missionaries update it often! Elder Morris gave me a GPS he said send me 25 or 30 bucks for it when you get the chance. He just gave me his bike and so much. Have you talked to him?
Tell Livi Skiv to e-mail me or write me; tell her not to be lame and write her brother! I have a lot of insight and advice for her!
I hope that you all have a great week!!
With much love,
Elder Sterling Richards

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